From the start of the design process you should have a pool
consultant coordinate with a number of other professional disciplines during
the construction documentation phase of that project. This should include:
1) Coordination with the soils engineer and the
aquatic consultant to design the proper pool and spa structure for the bearing
pressure and conditions on that site.
This can dramatically change the structural steel and concrete
specification from one job site to the next.
2) Coordination with the electrical engineer to
show the proper circuits and panel schedule for the pump motors, chemistry
controllers, heater, and underwater light circuits.
3) Coordination with the mechanical engineer to
show the proper connection for the gas supply to the heaters, backwash from the
equipment room, and make-up water to fill the pool.
4) Coordination with the civil engineer to show
how the deck will drain as well as the continuation of backwash lines to take
the waste water off-site.
5) Coordination with the architect for access
into the pool area, enclosure requirements, and ADA access compliance.
When this is coordinated between the pool consultant and the
architect the owner can expect to have their expectations met. As good as the plan can be, given the right
coordination, you should also rely on the pool consultant for construction
administration. Look out for Part 3 of Why Hospitality Management Company’s
hire Aqua Design tomorrow.