A Hotel Case Study-Jason Van Bruaene, WATG
The other day I was perusing the wonderful blog WATG maintains and
stumbled upon a post from Jason Van Bruaene that struck me immediately as
possessing unflattering pictures...which is rather uncommon for those of us in
the business of producing thoughtful, aesthetically pleasing, functional
designs that allow for clean ease of construction. Having sufficiently piqued
my interested I was delightfully surprised to see that Jason was using the
aforementioned unflattering images as a conduit through which to discuss
-surprise!- the importance of thoughtful, aesthetically pleasing, functional
designs. His blog post can be found at:
While this
particular case study focuses exclusively on an unnamed resort property in
Vietnam the lessons of this case study could easily be replicated throughout the
Pacific Rim as well as Middle East. A few years ago two of our partners traveled to Dubai for a design charrette and came back nearly as astonished at the poor planning and craftsmanship as Jason on his recent trip to Vietnam. Even the most elementary concepts seemed foreign, including field cutting deck pavers to line-up with and architectural detail -like stairs- illustrated in the second image; or having an aquatics consultant to ensure 300 grade stainless steel handrails are used in the pool so rusting won't occur, as shown in the first image (see escutcheon plate where anchor and rail meet).
Just looking at those two pictures has gotten me curious. Does that Vietnamese resort continue to be unnamed? I'd very much want to drop by one of these days.
Hi John, thank you for the note. Unfortunately I do not know where WATG's employee was when this image was taken. That being said, I would certainly wait to drop by until its ultimate completion.